I restarted DWI as a contract bicycle repairman. With the world economy the way it is, I can more easily find part time work from a variety of sources rather than trying to find someone willing to hire me full time. I am a word of mouth mechanic locally with the large IKEA employee base as a starter. Mobile service available. I am also working with IKEA directly, servicing their loaner fleet of about 16 bicycles.
In addition to that, I am working part time at a custom frame shop specializing in adult/child tandems among other things. Most of his bikes are made at various factories in the Netherlands, but he keeps a prototype/custom shop out in the sticks. So far I have only done assembly there, but will get to do welding/framebuilding as well. Dutch style.
Ronald shares an old barn with another guy who custom builds box bikes specially for daycares that can hold 8 kids.
One of the shops I am working for occasionally now, hopefully more regularly soon, is Beer Transportfietsen. Owner Chris Beer has a bike shop specializing in transport bikes, both two and three wheels.
www.beertransportfietsen.nl/ There are links along the left side of the page. I noticed they are not there when I use google chrome browser so good luck.
The De Fietsfabriek shop that I had been working at previously has moved location and is reopening as a multi brand shop in about a month. I will soon meet with Mel about working with him again in the new space.
It's fewer hours than it sounds right now, but think it will pick up sharply very soon.
Labels: bakfiets, bicycle, cargo, cargo bike, De Fietsfabriek, fiets